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Digital media art. Knapweed seed heads and grasses in white silhouette on a textured icy blue background.
Digital art. Alexanders seedheads silhouetted in white on a textured pink background.
Digital composition. Silhouettes of dead Knapweed flowerheads in magenta and pale dusky magenta on textured pink.
Digital composition. Dead flowerheads of Knapweed, in dark teal, with white silhouettes of twiggy stems, on a textured background in dusky sea green.
Digital composition, featuring seed heads of Alexanders, a wild plant that grows profusely along the local clifftops.
Photography. Digital art. Delicate, graceful tree canopy silhouetted in teal on a pale green tint.
Photography. Digital art. Graceful, delicate tree branches silhouetted in Delft blue.
Digital art image of knapweed heads in white and magenta on a pale dusky purple background.
Digital art. Composite image of dead twiggy stems in russet and orange shades and white silhouette, with a textured background in dusky shades of blue.
Digital art. Dead flowerheads of Knapweed in indigo and dusky blue, on textured background in blue shades.
Digital media art. Digital composition of the seedheads of Knapweed and Alexanders, in shades of turquoise and teal, reflecting colours of the sea.
Digital media art with nature theme. Fresh seedheads (before they start to dry) in monochrome with grainy pencil and pastel texture.
Digital media art. The bare branches of a tree in winter, in shades of blue, against a plain background in subtle blue shades and pale dusky pink. The background gives an impression of a pale winter sunrise.
winter branches.jpg
Digital media art. Shape of a tree canopy in black, on a white background, showing the canopy forming a teardrop shape.
Photographic art. Digital art. Tree canopy, with a little early spring growth, silhouetted against the sky. The colour scheme is dark teal and light blue-grey, with hints of dusky turquoise.
Digital media art. The bare branches of a tree in winter, viewed against a stormy, cloudy sky, with sunlight peaking through.
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