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Apart from an NVQ in IT, which really isn't worth the paper it's printed on, I am largely self-taught in digital art. I had little formal art training, apart from GCE O Level Art many many years ago. My dad, a good amateur artist, began teaching me basic skills when I was a toddler; although at the time the purpose was to persuade me to draw on paper not the walls!


My interest in photography came from my mother, a keen amateur photographer. I can still remember my first camera, a Christmas present, a little Kodak Instamatic. Sadly, at the moment, I'm unable to do any photography - no working camera, and the camera on my smartphone is poor quality.


Sometime, during the latter half of 2022, I returned to my old needlecraft skills - I'd forgotten how much I had loved embroidery and crafting. I'm currently creating unique handcrafted cards, using craft papers and scrap silk, as well as beads, sequins, and other embellishments.


My interests are eclectic and many, hence the range of subject matter of my artwork. I tried to restrict myself, but it was an impossible task! I never know from day to day what will inspire me. Sometimes I go seeking inspiration and don't find any. Sometimes I'm doing something quite mundane and there it is, an idea. Not that all my ideas work. Like many artists, I can spend hours on a work, only to decide a few months (or even weeks) later that I don't like it. I just love exploring possibilities amd ideas.

Exhibition History (All local - Kent, UK)

2018 - Open, Lovely's Gallery, Cliftonville


2015 - Open, Viking Gallery, Cliftonville
2015 - Open, St John’s Church, Margate

2014 - Open, St John’s Church, Margate 
2014 - Summer Open, York Street Gallery, Ramsgate


2011 - Solo show, Asymmetric Synergy, Birchington Library
2011 - SeaART (Open), Thanet Coast Project, Ramsgate
2011 - Summer Open, Harbour Arm Gallery, Margate

2010 - SeaART (Open), Thanet Coast Project, Ramsgate


2009 - In Response, Alturnertive group, Margate Harbour Arm

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