Good day to you,
my name is Susan Anne Woolley
I've been working as an artist since 2002, but doing some form of arts and crafts since early childhood, when my father, a good amateur artist, taught me basic art skills, almost as soon as I could hold a crayon. However,
apart from GCE Art 'O' Level (a very long time ago), I have had no formal art training. Therefore, I am mostly self-taught, particularly in digital art.
Susannah Lee Art began over 20 years ago, with the aim of:
1) producing "Christian Art" that was rooted firmly in the Scriptures rather than Church tradition;
2) teaching through art about the Hebraic roots of Christianity and the place of Israel in the heart and purposes of the LORD.
I see it also part of my ministry to encourage others to discover their own God-given creativeness. I believe that, according to God's word in Genesis chapter one, we are all made in His image, therefore every human being is born with creative potential, with the urge to create. So if you need some advice or words of encouragement - please just ask.
I've been a Christian for many years, although my spiritual path took the scenic route sometimes, often getting lost and going round the roundabout several times.
I grew up in a traditional Anglican church, but later moved gradually from Scottish Episcopal, to Elim Pentecostal, to Scottish Baptist with a year at a Bavarian Baptist, to AoG (Pentecostal), to non-denominational evangelical, to house fellowship, back to traditional Anglican. I am now attending an evangelical and very unanglican Anglican church!
I've also been involved in the Messianic Jewish community since 1996, and I'm an active member of Lion of Judah Messianic Fellowship in Kent. I've been an Associate Member of the British Messianic Jewish Alliance since September 1999. And yes, before you ask, I love Israel and the Jewish people. For after all, I believe in their Messiah, Jesus (that is Yeshua, to give Him His proper Hebrew name), and that one day He will return, as He promised in the Scriptures, to Jerusalem to claim His rightful place as King of Israel. HalleluYah!